In the enchanting underwater realm, the scene unfolds with a vibrant coral reef teeming with life. At the center, a grand seashell throne is adorned with seaweed streamers and colorful starfish, where Ariel the Mermaid sits with a playful smile, her fiery red hair flowing like sea currents. Surrounding her are her aquatic friends: Flounder the fish, with his bright yellow and blue stripes, and Sebastian the crab, gleefully playing a seaweed violin. To the right, the Baby Shark family is joyfully dancing in unison, their adorable little fins swaying with the rhythm of the ocean waves. Above them, a parade of bubbles floats upwards, each carrying a letter to spell out "Happy Birthday Melanie Cortez and Liam Cortez" in shimmering pearl-like script, glowing softly against the deep blue backdrop of the ocean. Hovering over the scene, a majestic sea turtle drifts serenely, with a coral reef crown on its head, carrying a sea sponge cake that has been delicately crafted into the shape of a castle. The cake is festooned with tiny seashells and vibrant anemones. In the background, luminescent jellyfish provide a twinkling light show, casting an iridescent glow over the entire scene, making it feel like an underwater carnival. The whimsical ocean floor is dotted with treasure chests spilling over with golden doubloons and strings of pearls, adding a touch of magic and adventure to the celebration. This underwater fiesta is framed by gracefully swaying kelp and schools of fish painting the scene with their lively colors.
Generated with these themes: Baby shark family and ariel the mermaid and friends.
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